Do You Have A Case if You Were Bitten by a Dog in Pennsylvania?

Suffering an attack from a dog can be both a traumatizing event and cause you serious physical injuries requiring extensive medical treatment.  Whether you have a dog bite case if you were bitten by a dog in Pennsylvania depends on various factors such as: if the dog owner did not keep the dog properly confined … Read more

Signs You May Have Complex Regional Pain Syndrome After an Accident

Complex regional pain syndrome, or CRPS is a condition that can develop after a physical injury. CRPS involves chronic pain that is much more debilitating and severe than the pain that would be expected after a similar injury.  So why do some people develop CRPS and others don’t? And what is the true impact that … Read more

How To Determine Fault in A Philadelphia Rear-End Collision

A rear-end collision is a car accident where two vehicles moving in the same direction collide, and one vehicle’s front end crashes into the other vehicle’s rear end. This often results in car damage and sometimes in common car-crash injuries such as whiplash or concussion from the car accident. Several factors go into determining who … Read more

Factors That Determine If You Have A Pennsylvania Motorcycle Accident Claim

If you were involved in a motorcycle accident in Pennsylvania an obvious factor on whether you have a claim is who was at fault – you or the other car? And according to the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation almost two-thirds of the time the accident is caused by the other car and not the motorcyclist. … Read more

Spring Safety Tips for Pennsylvanians

Spring is just around the corner — and with increased activity comes an increased potential for accidents. Unintentional injuries can be life-changing, and Americans absorb a lot of them. According to the CDC, there are 39.5 million physician office visits for unintentional injuries each year. Some of these accidents are quite serious. More than 60,000 people 45 … Read more

Opioid Overdose Signs and Symptoms

In emergencies where an Opioid overdose occurs, it is essential that the people nearby are educated on how best to respond. In these cases, it can indeed mean the difference between life and death. America continues to be in the middle of a severe opioid crisis. As such, there is certainly no real shortage of … Read more