Opioid Overdose Signs and Symptoms

In emergencies where an Opioid overdose occurs, it is essential that the people nearby are educated on how best to respond. In these cases, it can indeed mean the difference between life and death. America continues to be in the middle of a severe opioid crisis. As such, there is certainly no real shortage of … Read more

Can I Sue for Wrongful Death from Sepsis?

Wrongful death due to medical negligence affects countless grieving loved ones who are left behind to wonder if their family member’s death could have been prevented. When a healthcare provider’s negligence results in death, their family deserves justice. Thankfully, Pennsylvania’s medical malpractice laws allow specific personal representatives to file medical malpractice lawsuits related to the … Read more

Can You Sue A Nursing Home For A Death From A Surgical Site Infection?

Nursing homes do not just serve as a permanent residency for elderly people who can no longer live on their own. They also serve as a temporary residency for anyone who cannot return directly home after undergoing surgery in a hospital. In these cases, the nursing home serves as a rehabilitation facility for people of … Read more

Do You Have A Case For Being Stuck With A Contaminated Needle?

Getting stuck by a needle in the hospital or some other type of medical setting can be a lot more concerning than having a simple needlestick injury. The needle could have been used on another patient who had dangerous infective diseases such as HIV, Hepatitis B or C, or other bloodborne pathogens.  If you are … Read more

Why Are Nursing Homes So Vulnerable to Covid-19?

As we enter another winter with hospitals around the country still overwhelmed with patients suffering from COVID-19, our elderly loved ones residing in nursing homes are still in danger from this deadly virus. While nursing homes are no longer the epicenter of the pandemic as they were in April of 2020, nursing homes are still … Read more

Recovery From a D&C Hysteroscopy: Am I Bleeding Too Much?

A D&C procedure, short for dilation and curettage, is typically performed by an OBGYN to remove tissue from inside the uterus. A D&C can be performed for a variety of reasons, usually to diagnose and treat various conditions of the uterus. D&C procedures are often performed alongside the use of a hysteroscope. This thin instrument … Read more

What Are the Early Warning Signs of Appendicitis?

Appendicitis is an all too common condition, affecting 250,000 people every year. Appendicitis occurs in roughly 7% of people in the United States, with 1.1 cases per 1000 people reported annually. It’s fairly common knowledge that pain on the right side of your abdomen might mean trouble with the appendix, but there are many other … Read more

Do You Have A Case For Sepsis That Developed At A Nursing Home?

What Is Sepsis? Sepsis can be a life threatening condition that occurs when the body has a chemical imbalance due to an ongoing infection that can result in damage to multiple organ systems.  If sepsis progresses to septic shock, this will result in multiple organ failure, a drop in blood pressure, and possibly death. In … Read more

Do You Have A Malpractice Claim For A Missed Ruptured Appendix?

Appendicitis, a condition in which the appendix becomes swollen, painful, or inflamed, is considered a medical emergency that affects 1 in 20 people in the United States every year. Appendicitis is often acutely painful, and if not treated promptly it can lead to sepsis, septic shock and even death.  A perforated appendix does not need … Read more