Top 5 Biggest Slip and Fall Settlements in the USA in the Past Ten Years


Daniel Thistle





Nerve Damage

Failure To Diagnose

Laser Eye Surgery

When we hear the term “slip and fall”, we often think of minor accidents that have a minimal impact on someone’s life. But slip and fall accidents can have devastating and long lasting consequences that can affect employment, quality of life, and emotional well being. 

The top 5 biggest slip and fall settlements in the last ten years may seem like large numbers, but these payments are meant to compensate victims for numerous elements, including, but not limited to:

  • Past and future medical costs
  • Permanent physical disabilities
  • Caregiver costs
  • Emotional distress
  • Pain and suffering
  • Loss of income
  • Loss of future income due to being unable to work

When you include factors such as loss of future earnings, you can imagine how quickly those amounts add up. 

1) $7.5 Million Awarded to Alabama Man in WalMart Slip and Fall Case

Henry Walker was attempting to remove a watermelon from a shelf in a Wal-Mart when his foot became stuck in a pallet that was improperly placed under the display. When he fell, he fractured his hip so badly that he was unable to walk without the assistance of a walker. Video evidence obtained from the store proved that numerous other customers had been entangled in the dangerous pallet in question, who could have also been seriously injured. Mr. Walker was awarded 2.5 million in compensatory damages, and $5 million in punitive damages for a total of $7.5 million. 

2) $10 Million Awarded to Colorado Resident in WalMart Slip and Fall

In another Walmart settlement, a Walmart in Greeley Colorado paid out a little over $10 million dollars to Holly Averyt after she slipped and fell on some grease outside its storefront. Walmart initially denied that the spill had ever occurred, but Averyt’s attorneys located documents that backed up her claim. Averyt is no longer able to perform her work as a truck driver, and suffers chronic pain and depression as a result of her injuries. Her original $15 million award was lowered to $10 million due to state limits on pain and suffering compensation. 


3) $10 Million for Philadelphia Slip and Fall

A Philadelphia man was forced into retirement after slipping and falling in an ice-covered hallway. His injury required five surgeries, leaving him permanently disabled and in chronic pain. He was injured after an employee accidentally drilled a hole into a water line, filling a hallway with water that quickly froze, and the foreman who should have been standing watch to warn people about the dangerous conditions walked off for a time.  


4) $13 Million for Las Vegas Woman

Lowes Home Center paid out $13 million to a woman after she fell while shopping for plants. Kelly Hendrickson fell on a slippery substance on the floor, and her lawyers were able to prove that Lowes knew that the standing water in the outdoor area was a danger, as 33 other accidents caused by similar situations had already occured in Lowes stores.

5) $15 Million After Exam Table Slip

Cris Nelson went into a medical clinic to have blood drawn for a routine wellness visit. While sitting upright, without any support during his blood draw, Nelson fell off the table and fractured his neck. Nelson now uses a wheelchair and requires help performing basic activities of daily living. The hospital admitted liability and offered an award of $4.45 million. Nelson and his lawyers fought for a fair payment, and his resulting settlement was $15 million. 


So What Is a Slip and Fall Worth?

The examples above are the largest in the past ten years, and some of the highest settlements ever reached in the United States. You may have noticed that the biggest determining factor in the amount paid out for every one of these settlements is the severity of injuries sustained by the victim. 

Though these numbers are headline grabbing, large slip and fall settlement amounts are hard won and require an experienced lawyer to negotiate. The skilled team at Thistle Law has the expertise and determination to bring home a settlement that gives you the maximum compensation for your injuries, and are prepared to take your case to trial if the settlement offer is insufficient. Contact us today at 215-568-6800, or fill out our contact form here