The 3 Variants of Product Liability Cases


Daniel Thistle





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Consumers trust products that are widely available in the market. Many of these products are advertised on different multimedia platforms or are backed by a credible brand name. We don’t think twice before adding something to our cart if it showcases a known trademark that reflects quality. When we are looking to purchase a particular item, we will only try a new kind if it is cheaper or apparently looks better than other competitive options. However, going for something true and tried is always the safest route. 

Creators, designers, manufacturers, assemblers, suppliers, and sellers are required to fulfill certain state standards and procedures before releasing a product for public use; they have a duty of care towards customers. If a product does not function or serve as intended, one or more of them can be held liable. The defect in a product can occur during stages of manufacture, assemblage, packaging, and labelling. Some products require a concrete instruction manual, while others are self-explanatory. 

The defect in a product may range from merely disappointing to unreasonably dangerous for the consumer. When a consumer incurs fatal or serious injuries from a product while using it correctly, he/she is entitled to claim compensation for the damages. Defective products in the market are not a rare thing; thousands of legitimate product liability claims are filed in the U.S every year. If you have fallen victim to a defective product, discuss your case with a Personal Injury Attorney in Philadelphia today.


The 3 key variants of product liability cases are as follows:

Design Defect

If the product had a faulty design, this means that the manufacturer or seller cannot be held accountable for the product failure. In this, case the engineers or concept creators are the ones who messed up due to negligence or miscalculation. The person, group or organization that fashioned the virtual model or blueprint is identified as the culprit. Sometimes the problem resides in one part or section of the product. For instance, if the air bag inflation mechanism in a car is faulty, you cannot say that the entire vehicle is defected. 


Manufacturing Defect

The majority of product liability cases have to do with errors during the manufacturing or assembling procedures. Even though the approved design for the product was sound and secure, it was not properly implemented in the final prototype. The manufacturer/assembler either failed to follow instructions or deliberately altered the original design. The defect may owe to poor quality/damaged spare parts, skipping of important steps, inadequate testing, or all of the above. At times, problems strike during the packaging process; product contamination can be the cause of serious health problems in consumers.

Labelling or Warning Defect

Unfortunately, advertisements on national television and popular social media platforms can be misleading. Many sellers and manufacturers tell white lies to boost their sales, and we fall victim. While this strategy is financially profitable for them, we have to suffer because of their greed and malice. For example, some OTC drugs have side effects that are not mentioned on the packaging. Many everyday products have the potential to harm you or even cause a wrongful death, if used incorrectly or in excess; either way, the seller or manufacturer should provide a clear warning to the user.  


Getting Help

If you have been injured, or have fallen victim to the failings of a defective product, having a trusted team of personal injury lawyers on your side will help when things get tough. Call the experienced product liability team at Thistle Law at (215) 525-6824, or fill out our form for a free consultation to discuss the compensation that you deserve!