What Are the Five Most Common Causes Of Motorcycle Accidents in PA?


Daniel Thistle





Nerve Damage

Failure To Diagnose

Laser Eye Surgery

For countless Americans, riding a motorcycle on the open road is a popular pastime. Far too often, however, a motorcycle ride can take an unexpected turn and end in a tragic accident, resulting in serious personal injury or even wrongful death.   

Various circumstances can contribute to motorcycle accidents in Pennsylvania. In some cases, they may be the result of the careless operation or negligent conduct on the part of the motorcycle driver. Far too often, however, PA motorcycle accidents are the result of negligence by other drivers sharing the road.


Five Leading Causes of PA Motorcycle Accidents

While countless scenarios can result in a motorcycle accident in Pennsylvania and throughout the country, here are the five most common causes of Pennsylvania motorcycle accidents:

  1. Failure to see the motorcyclist: One of the leading causes of Pennsylvania motorcycle crashes is another motorist’s failure to see the motorcycle in traffic. A motorcycle’s smaller size often makes it harder for other drivers to detect because of glare or an obstructed view caused by larger vehicles on the road. Therefore, it shouldn’t come as a surprise that intersections remain the most likely location for motorcycle collisions caused by other motorists who don’t see the motorcycle and, in turn, do not yield the right-of-way.
  2. Left turns: Left turns also cause a substantial number of motorcycle crashes. These accidents happen when the motorcycle or some other motor vehicle attempts to make a left turn. Left-turn accidents commonly occur when a motor vehicle driver fails to notice the motorcycle’s left turn signal or when the driver inadvertently turns into a motorcycle when attempting to make a left turn. Even the most careful drivers, checking their mirrors and all lines of sight before turning, can have trouble spotting a motorcycle in their blind spot.
  3. Dangerous roadway conditions: Hazardous conditions on the road, like uneven pavement, slippery roadway surfaces, loose gravel, and debris, particularly close to construction sites and roadwork areas, cause a significant number of motorcycle accidents in Pennsylvania every year. Motorcycles are much smaller and less stable than cars and trucks. Therefore, they are more susceptible to accidents caused by unsafe roads when compared to other vehicles.
  4. Reckless driving and speeding: Reckless driving and speeding are leading causes of PA motorcycle accidents. When a motorist or a motorcycle operator drives aggressively, is inattentive, speeds, or tailgates, accidents are more likely to occur, and the results can be devastating for the motorcycle operator. Some motorcycle operators, especially those who drive “supersport” or sport cycles, try and reach super high speeds and lose control of their bike, with catastrophic results.
  5. Alcohol and drug use: Sadly, alcohol and drug use are both contributing factors in fatal motor vehicle accidents across the country, including many motorcycle accidents.


Common Injuries Sustained in PA Motorcycle Accidents

It’s no secret that the injuries sustained in a motorcycle accident, especially those suffered by the motorcycle operator, are often quite serious and catastrophic. In addition to being deadly, a Pennsylvania motorcycle accident can cause serious personal injury.

Here are some of the common injuries sustained by a motorcycle operator in a motorcycle accident:

  • Concussions and/or traumatic brain injury: Concussions and traumatic brain injuries are common in motorcycle accidents. They usually occur due to the motorcycle operator being through from their bike and hitting their head at high impacts.
  • Biker’s arm: Biker’s arm refers to a form of permanent nerve damage that affects the upper body and is caused by blunt force trauma on the arm as a result of the accident.
  • Road Rash: Road rash is an injury that occurs when the motorcycle operator is ejected from the bike and slides across gravel or pavement, causing injury.
  • Broken bones: For motorcycle operators, an accident can result in a fractured ankle, wrist, shoulder, pelvis, hip, elbow, arm, leg, or back due to the violent impact of a motorcycle accident.
  • Disfigurement: Disfigurement is a common result of a motorcycle accident. Facial disfigurement is the most common injury and occurs when the motorcycle operator fails to wear the appropriate headgear. Unfortunately, a motorcycle operator can suffer facial disfigurement even when taking precautions and wearing the right safety equipment.


Motorcycle Accident Lawyers in Philadelphia

If you are looking for an accident attorney specializing in rear-end collisions, look no further than the Pennsylvania motorcycle crash experts at the Thistle Law Firm. Our experienced personal injury attorneys can help you determine who is at fault in your motorcycle accident and work to get you the best possible outcome.

Contact the Pennsylvania accident lawyers at The Thistle Law Firm today or call them directly at 215-525-6824 to schedule a free consultation.