The Symptoms and Causes of a Ruptured Spleen


Daniel Thistle





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The spleen is a delicate organ, located directly under the ribcage on the left side of the body. This fist sized organ helps the body fight infection and filter blood, making it both vitally important, while also extremely vulnerable. 

Any sort of forceful impact, trauma, or blow to the left side of the abdomen has the potential to rupture the spleen. A ruptured spleen is an emergency medical situation that requires immediate treatment, and typically emergency surgery to remove the spleen (called a splenectomy). Abdominal injuries from car accidents are common, and read on to learn about the common symptoms and causes of a ruptured spleen.

Herniation caused by a ruptured spleen


Common Causes of a Ruptured Spleen

Forceful trauma or blunt impact to the abdomen is the most common cause of a ruptured spleen. At the Thistle Law Firm, our attorneys most often see ruptured spleens that result from car accidents.

In head-on vehicle collisions, the seatbelt that crosses above the left abdomen can put pressure directly on the spleen. Deployed airbags, or impact from the vehicle frame or door can also deliver powerful blows to the left side of the abdomen and injure the spleen. A ruptured spleen that occurs due to a car accident may also be accompanied by other related external injuries, such as a fractured rib. 

Besides car accidents, a ruptured spleen may be the result of:

  • Sports injuries
  • Assault
  • Falls


What Would Cause a Spleen to Rupture Without Trauma?

There are numerous other causes of a ruptured spleen, including, but not limited to:

  • Infections
  • Metabolic disorders
  • Liver disease
  • Some types of cancers 

These various medical issues may cause the spleen to swell, resulting in the walls of the spleen becoming thin and prone to rupture. 


How Long Can You Survive With A Ruptured Spleen?

The amount of time you can survive with a ruptured spleen depends on a number of factors, including the size and location of the rupture, the amount of internal internal bleeding blood loss, and the patient’s overall health.

In some cases, a small rupture may heal on its own without treatment. However, in other cases, internal bleeding from a ruptured spleen can be life-threatening and require immediate medical attention.

Even if you do not have any signs or symptoms of internal bleeding, your condition can change quickly. It is possible to go from stable to gravely ill within 24 to 48 hours if a ruptured spleen is not properly treated.

If you think you may have a ruptured spleen, it is important to seek medical attention immediately. Early diagnosis and treatment can help to improve your chances of survival. Most ruptured spleen victims require emergency surgery. But regardless of the severity, a ruptured spleen must be treated immediately or the consequences can be fatal. 

Traumatic splenic rupture in CT Scan

What Are The Consequences of a Ruptured Spleen?

The consequences of a ruptured spleen can be severe and life-threatening. The spleen is a vital organ that filters blood, fights infection, and regulates the immune system. When the spleen ruptures, it can cause internal bleeding, quickly leading to sepsis shock and death.

The severity of the consequences of a ruptured spleen depends on several factors, including the size and location of the rupture, the amount of blood loss, and the patient’s overall health. In some cases, a small rupture may heal on its own without treatment. However, surgery may be necessary in other cases to repair or remove the spleen.

Even if a ruptured spleen is treated successfully, long-term consequences may exist. For example, people who have had their spleen removed are at increased risk for certain infections, such as pneumonia and meningitis. They may also need to take lifelong medications to boost their immune system.


Can You Die From a Ruptured Spleen?

People still die from a ruptured spleen every year, even at some of the best hospitals in the country. The current mortality rate from a simple splenic rupture is 1%, although a delayed diagnosis of a ruptured spleen will increase that rate to 10%. 

It is possible to live without a spleen, although patients who have had their ruptured spleen removed will be at a higher risk for life-threatening infections. That is because the spleen plays a critical role in the body’s ability to fight off bacteria. 


Is a Ruptured Spleen Always Fatal?

No, a ruptured spleen is not always fatal. In fact, most people who experience a ruptured spleen survive. However, it is a serious medical condition that requires immediate medical attention.

According to a study published in the Journal of the American College of Surgeons, the overall mortality rate for ruptured spleen is approximately 10%. However, the mortality rate is significantly higher for patients with severe injuries, such as multiple organ failure or shock.


Ruptured Spleen Diagnosis

After any forceful trauma to the left side of the abdomen that is followed by severe pain, a doctor will likely perform an ultrasound or a CT scan of the abdomen to confirm a diagnosis of a ruptured spleen. If they don’t investigate for a ruptured spleen after this presentation, you may have standing to file a medical malpractice suit. 

The medical team will then decide whether the spleen needs observation or surgical intervention. 


Ruptured Spleen: Symptoms in Adults

The most common and clear symptom of a ruptured spleen is severe pain in the left side of your abdomen. However, pain from a ruptured spleen can sometimes be felt all the way up in the left shoulder, making breathing difficult or painful. 

Pain high in the shoulder from a ruptured spleen can occur because a ruptured spleen may cause internal bleeding that irritates the phrenic nerve, a nerve that starts in the neck and runs through the diaphragm. When this occurs, it’s called Kehr’s sign.

There are other symptoms of a ruptured spleen to watch out for, including:

  • Lightheadedness
  • Confusion
  • Nausea
  • Blurry vision
  • Loss of consciousness
  • Restlessness or anxiety
  • Paleness
  • Drop in blood pressure


Does a Ruptured Spleen Hurt Right Away?

Yes, a ruptured spleen typically causes pain immediately. The pain is usually in the upper left quadrant of the abdomen, under the left ribcage and diaphragm. The pain may be sharp or dull, and it may be severe or mild.

Sometimes, the pain from a ruptured spleen may be felt in the left shoulder or back. That is because the spleen shares nerve fibers with these areas of the body.

It is important to note that not everyone with a ruptured spleen will experience pain. In some cases, the rupture may be small and cause little to no bleeding. In these cases, the patient may not experience symptoms until the rupture heals or until the spleen ruptures again.

If you are experiencing pain in the upper left abdomen, especially if the pain is sudden and severe, it is important to seek medical attention immediately. A ruptured spleen is a serious medical condition that requires prompt diagnosis and treatment.


Can a Ruptured Spleen Go Unnoticed?

Yes, a ruptured spleen can go unnoticed. In some cases, the rupture may be small and cause little to no bleeding. In these cases, the patient may not experience symptoms until the rupture heals or until the spleen ruptures again.

Even if the patient does experience symptoms, they may be mild and nonspecific. For example, the patient may experience pain in the upper left abdomen, nausea, vomiting, or lightheadedness. Various other conditions can cause these symptoms so a ruptured spleen may be misdiagnosed or overlooked.

It is important to note that a normal physical exam following abdominal trauma does not rule out a ruptured spleen. In some cases, the patient may have a delayed presentation of symptoms, meaning that the symptoms may not appear immediately after the injury.

If you have experienced any abdominal trauma, it is important to see a doctor immediately, even if you are not experiencing any symptoms.


Delayed Splenic Rupture

A ruptured spleen may present immediately after a traumatic event such as a car accident, but it may sometimes not appear for days or weeks after the trauma. This is a situation known as “delayed splenic rupture”. In one case, a ruptured spleen did not present itself until 4 months after a minor blunt trauma to the abdomen. 

Doctors and health care providers should take signs and symptoms of splenic rupture seriously, and should fully investigate any abdominal trauma in the past several months as the potential cause of a ruptured spleen. 


Ruptured Spleen Treatment

Most ruptured spleens will require immediate surgery called a splenectomy, in which the surgeon will remove the entire spleen. In some cases, the surgeon may be able to repair the tear and put pressure on the spleen until the bleeding has stopped. 

For those with a minor splenic rupture, the medical team should keep the patient under strict observation, usually in conjunction with active treatment and possible blood transfusions. They should be continually monitored with scans such as a CT scan. 


How Long Does It Take To Recover From a Ruptured Spleen?

Most people who experience a ruptured spleen can expect to recover within 3 to 12 weeks. However, some people may take longer to heal, especially if they have had surgery.

If you have had surgery for a ruptured spleen, you will likely need to stay in the hospital for a few days afterward. During this time, you will be monitored by doctors and nurses to ensure that you are healing properly.

You must rest and recover at home once you are discharged from the hospital. You must also avoid strenuous activity and heavy lifting for several weeks. It is important to follow your doctor’s instructions carefully during your recovery. That will help to ensure that you heal properly and avoid complications.


When To Contact An Attorney About your Ruptured Spleen

While it is possible to live after a ruptured spleen, individuals without a spleen are at an increased risk of various infections, including the common flu, strep, or various parasitic infections such as malaria. You may be recommended by your doctor to carry around antibiotics that you will need to take at the first hint of an infection. 

These types of long lasting effects on your health can have an incalculable toll on your quality of life. A skilled attorney can help you accurately assess how much your pain and suffering damages from a ruptured spleen should be, connecting you to medical professionals who can help you determine exactly what life without a spleen is truly going to cost you in the long run.


How Much Compensation Do You Get for a Ruptured Spleen?

If your spleen was ruptured after a car accident that was due to another driver’s negligence, you may be wondering how much compensation you are entitled to. If there were multiple cars involved, can you even have a claim in a multi-car accident case? Unfortunately, putting an exact number on this type of injury is not possible without knowing the particulars of your case. 

Of course, your medical bills and property damages should be compensated after any type of car accident in which you are not at fault. But what about the pain and suffering that is caused due to the removal of a vital organ? While it is possible to survive without a spleen, how do you calculate the inevitable toll that living without a spleen can take on your body? 

The Pennsylvania car accident attorney’s at the Thistle Law Firm have years of experience helping victims of car accidents and those with ruptured spleens receive the compensation they deserve after being seriously injured due to another driver’s negligence. You can get a better understanding of what your ruptured spleen claim might amount to with a free consultation, by calling us at 215-525-6824. We can also be reached online via our contact form.