Philadelphia Nursing Home Bedsore and Pressure Ulcer Attorneys
Nerve Damage
Failure To Diagnose
Laser Eye Surgery
Get The Compensation They Deserve
Bedsores turn routine treatments into long-lasting and painful ordeals, and all too often are directly the result of medical neglect on the part of the caregiver. Thankfully, medical negligence laws allow victims of such poor care and their families to get the compensation they deserve.
At Thistle Law, we have years of experience with such cases and the expertise to pursue them to the full extent of the law. Don’t accept the onset of a bedsore as being unavoidable, explore all of your legal options by consulting a knowledgeable personal injury attorney. Our team is standing by to review your case with a free consultation.
Your elderly loved one deserves respect and the highest level of care. Nursing home arrangements for your cherished parent or loved one should be designed around dignity, compassionate treatment, and exceptional healthcare.
Healthcare Provider’s Responsibility
The worst part about the development of bedsores is that they are entirely preventable if the nursing home is administering proper care. Bedsores often take days to develop and all that must be done to prevent them is for sedentary patients to be occasionally moved. This means that the occurrence of the condition shows massive negligence on the part of the healthcare provider.
In fact, bedsores are so preventable that they’re called Never Events, meaning that with even the bare minimum of attention on the part of the care provider they shouldn’t happen. They’re so avoidable that Medicare and other insurers often won’t reimburse the healthcare provider for any costs they incur as a result of bedsores that developed during the stay.
Unfortunately, that doesn’t stop the condition from happening. Healthcare providers are too often focused on profits, leading to issues like understaffing that decreases their quality of care and puts their patients at risk.
How Pressure Ulcers are Caused
Every year there are over 200,000 hospital visits due to bedsores (also known as pressure ulcers). In many of these cases, the patients were not admitted to the hospital with a bedsore but instead developed them as a result of their time at the hospital.
Bedsores are caused by pressure damaging the skin and underlying tissues. They usually occur when a patient stays in one position for too long. While there are instances where bedsores are the reason for hospital admission, the vast majority of them happen as a result of poor care while in the hospital. They often occur in nursing homes when elderly patients are confined to their beds.
This is especially dangerous because the development of bedsores makes it much more likely that a patient will suffer poor outcomes. On top of all of the pain that bedsores cause they can also become infected, leading to surgeries, amputations, and even death. They are a serious medical problem that can cost families thousands in extra medical expenses.

A Personal Injury Lawyer for Bedsores
When healthcare providers fail in their duty to provide competent care to their patients leading to the patient acquiring a bedsore, the patient or their family can receive fair compensation for their pain and medical expenses by pursuing a lawsuit for medical malpractice.
Thistle Law will fight negligent nursing homes on your behalf with passion and tenacity. We’ve prosecuted hundreds of such medical malpractice cases and helped families get the compensation they deserve, with some settlements in the millions. We specialize in representing seriously injured clients in medical malpractice cases, and have argued before such bodies as the Pennsylvania Superior Court and Supreme Court, the New Jersey Superior Court, and the United States Supreme Court.
If you’re seeking relief for medical malpractice then reach out to the experts at Thistle Law. Our personal injury attorneys have the experience needed to properly evaluate your case and all of your legal options. We care for each of our clients with compassion and fight with tenacity to get the justice they deserve. Call (215) 525-6824 or use our contact page to start your free consultation today.