How To Tell If You Have A Concussion After A Car Accident?


Daniel Thistle





Nerve Damage

Failure To Diagnose

Laser Eye Surgery

Although much attention is given to concussions and severe head injuries in sports, car accidents represent the bulk of these injuries.

There is no doubt that sports injuries can be incredibly serious. In fact, they are the cause of roughly 20 percent of all traumatic brain injuries. However, approximately 28 percent of all traumatic brain injuries are caused by car accidents.

Every year, millions of car accidents across the country result in serious injuries to passengers, drivers, and innocent bystanders. Many of those injuries include head injuries, such as concussions. Following a car accident, it is not uncommon for the accident victim to be unaware that they’ve suffered a concussion. It is important to look for certain signs of a concussion or other head injury following an accident, and to follow-up with experienced PA brain-injury lawyers in the case of the other driver’s negligence.

Read on for more information regarding the symptoms and the signs of a concussion or after a car accident.


What is a Concussion?

Typically, a concussion represents a mild brain injury following a head trauma that results in dizziness and confusion.    

When a car accident occurs, a victim’s brain sometimes bounces around inside their head at the moment of impact. As a result, they may sustain brain bleeding, tearing, or nerve damage in the brain.  

From a medical standpoint, concussions are measured using three different grades based on symptoms such as loss of equilibrium, disturbed vision, amnesia, and consciousness loss. The three grades of a concussion are as follows:

  • Grade One Concussion: A grade one concussion is generally quite mild. There is no loss of consciousness associated with a grade one concussion, and symptoms, including temporary amnesia, will last for a half-hour or less.
  • Grade Two Concussion: A grade two concussion is more moderate. A victim may suffer consciousness loss or experience amnesia for up to a day.
  • Grade Three Concussion: A grade three concussion is the most severe and can result in an accident victim losing consciousness for an extended period or suffering from amnesia for 24 hours or more.

In the majority of cases, victims who suffer a concussion after a car accident make a full recovery within a week. However, there are some instances where a concussion can be more serious or even life-threatening. So, it is important to seek the help of a medical professional if you suspect that you may have suffered a concussion.


What are the Signs of a Concussion After a Car Accident?

Our brains are made up of soft tissue cushioned by fluid encased in the skull, which acts as a protective shell. When someone suffers a bump or a blow to the head, the brain can be jolted by the impact. As a result, the brain does not function properly and essentially becomes confused.

Following a car accident, there are several signs to look for that could determine whether or not you have suffered a concussion.

  • Loss of consciousness: The most common and obvious sign of a concussion is a loss of consciousness. Often, when a car accident victim’s head strikes a windshield, a steering wheel, the pavement, or some other object on impact, it is enough to cause them to lose consciousness. Even when the loss of consciousness lasts only seconds, it is still a brain trauma and a sign of a concussion.
  • Nausea, dizziness, and light sensitivity: When a car accident victim vomits, experiences light sensitivity, feels nauseous, or gets dizzy, this may be a sign that they have suffered from a concussion, even if they did not lose consciousness or don’t recall hitting their head.  
  • Confusion and amnesia: Confusion and amnesia, which is just another word for memory loss, are common signs of concussion. Although it may take hours or days to realize, you could be showing signs of a concussion when you start to lose concentration, forget things, or get confused about what day it is.
  • Seeing stars and feeling a ring in the ears: Seeing stars or experiencing a ringing in the ears are common indications of mild head trauma and a possible concussion following a car accident.
  • Mood changes: Following an accident, those who suffer from a concussion may feel more anxious, nervous, listless, irritable, angry, or simply depressed for seemingly no reason.
  • Sleep disruption: Concussion victims may experience a disturbance in their sleep patterns, such as sleeping more, having trouble falling asleep, or sleeping less.
  • Headaches: Often, headaches associated with a concussion typically get progressively worse, won’t go away, and are coupled with balance issues and blurry vision.
  • Seizures: In extreme concussion cases, seizures can occur.


What Are the Long-Term Effects of a Concussion?

A concussion after a car accident can result in traumatic brain injuries, which are severe conditions that may affect cognitive abilities and lead to permanent life-altering disabilities. Nearly one-third of injury-related deaths in the country result from traumatic brain injuries. If

you or someone you love suffered a concussion after a car accident, contact a skilled car accident attorney.

The Philadelphia car accident concussion lawyers at Thistle Law have recovered millions of dollars for those who suffered concussions after a car accident.

Call the attorneys at Thistle Law today by dialing 215-568-6800, or fill out our contact form here.