How to Find the Best Personal Injury Lawyer


Daniel Thistle





Nerve Damage

Failure To Diagnose

Laser Eye Surgery

Accidents happen—perhaps you’ve been on the receiving end of one, whether at work, through medical malpractice, in a car accident, etc. Car accidents alone affect around 6 million Americans per year according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.

If you’ve sustained an injury as a result of any type of accident, you deserve to understand your options and receive the rightful compensation. In order to do so, you must find the best personal injury lawyer for your particular case.

Even before you make the call, take the time to learn what to ask and what to expect.

Before you reach out

It’s important to collect as much information about your case as possible before you interview potential attorneys. The more physical proof of the injury you have, the better. When there is only the plaintiff’s word against the defendant, without any other proof, it can make the case difficult to win.

To that end, make sure you have medical evidence of your injury in the form of reports and records from health care professionals. If the police have been involved, be sure to obtain a copy of their report, as well as any photos, videos, or witness accounts related to the incident. Likewise if you were injured or fell because of a defective or dangerous condition on a property, you, a family member, or a friend, should try and take a picture of that defective or dangerous condition for your own records. You should also be sure to document your losses as the result of your injury in the form of proof of lost wages, pay stubs, and health insurance.

Coming in armed with the evidence will go far in helping you select the best personal injury lawyer. Of course if you are unable to obtain some of this proof, an experienced personal injury attorney will be able to help you do so after meeting them.

During the interview

Now that you’ve collected as much physical proof as possible, make sure that the firm you choose will guarantee the best personal injury lawyer for your case. Come prepared with questions, and see how they respond.

Experience is key, so determine just how much exposure the attorney has had to your particular type of case. As Newsweek suggests, ask, “How many years experience do they have? Are they specialists in personal injury (many will claim this but really share their focus across several legal areas)?”

In addition to expertise, also make sure you will receive the personalized attention you deserve. Find out whether you’ll be dealing mostly with the attorney or the firm staff. If you have a smaller case, it’s possible you will mostly be interacting with staff at the law firm, not the attorney.

Having access to the attorney means you will have your questions answered directly by the expert pursuing your case. You’ll also have the knowledge that action is being taken and the attorney isn’t just sitting on your file. You don’t want to feel as if you’re being ignored and denied the individualized attention you deserve for your case.

Ask some questions about logistics as well. For example, will the attorneys attempt to get electronic records of your case? Doing so will avoid the cost of paper copying from the physician. Knowing that your attorney is doing this kind of preliminary work to save you money means they have the expertise to protect your best interests.

Consider Thistle Law

If you have sustained an injury, contact us today so we can help you find the best personal injury lawyer for your case.